
Humming bird Thymio

 Hummingbird Thymio can do many things, such as run away from your hand and change colors.  Hummingbird Thymio is decorated like a real hummingbird.


This Thymio is programed to follow a line, make cool sounds and if the Thymio sees something in front of him he automatically stops so that it doesn’t crash into things.  

Soccer bot

soccer bot is a robot that was made to improve your aim and it is some thing to keep you company when you don’t have any and it is also good for if you wanted to play some thing with a robot friend!  

Golden Knight

Golden Knight is your personal security robot, that protects you and your valuables!  ~ Golden Knight Code ~ # reset outputs call sound.system(-1) call,0,0) call leds.bottom.left(0,0,0) call leds.bottom.right(0,0,0) call,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)   onevent tap call,0,0) call leds.bottom.left(32,0,0) call leds.bottom.right(32,0,0) call,32,32,32,32,32,32,32) call leds.prox.h(32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32) call leds.prox.v(32,32) call sound.replay(1) onevent buttons if == 1 then …

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