
Piano Prism

Piano Prism is a fun way for kids to learn how to play piano without having to buy a real piano.  They will go through levels and on each level they will learn something new.  The keys are color coded so that it is easier for the kids to remember the notes. Scratch Project

Car Simulator

This Is a car simulator for people who like to drive To try this out yourself.. 1) Follow the instructions to connect Thymio with Scratch 2) Download the Car Simulator Program (Older version) to use with Thymio! –Here is an updated version of Car Simulator (6/2019) to use with Thymio suite and Scratch 3.0.  The program …

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Design Bot

Having trouble figuring out what to wear? The Design-Bot will solve your problems! This robot is for people who are stylish. It will help you decide what to wear. This project is awesome because it inspires people so they can choose an outfit(s) for the day.

Narwal Cat 500!

The narwal cat 500 likes to swim with the dolphins in the atlantic ocean. It also does NOT like to get slapped on top of its head. If it DOES get slapped then it turns bright red on the bottom of its body and neon green on the top.


The Batasus Is very fast on land and air It has sharp fangs only to eat air and meat. The batasus goes in kids dream and covers them in blankets.