
Ellie the Elephant

Ellie the Elephant is very friendly and loves to play with her friends. When she hears a loud noise she turns blue. Her favorite color is blue and she loves chocolate.


It is for kids ages 5-17, and LOVE robot battles. It has to be used right or it could get messy. It is packed w/armor and has big wheels for more distance.

Baby Grand Piano

Thymio is transformed into a baby grand piano! Piano has custom sounds sung by Courtney, do, ri, me, fa, so , la, ti, do! This project was inspired by the Musical Thymio project, with Courtney’s own unique twist included. Download Courtney’sĀ original sound files here. Code: onevent prox if acc[1]>0 then if prox.horizontal[0]>4000 then call …

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Dan T.D.M.

When you turn it on and you put something in front of it Dan T.D.M follows it. When you push the middle button the robot stops. Presentation:   Video: By: Elizabeth and Kenny