Robotics Summer Camp with Thymio!
Robotics Programming (9am-12pm)
How do robots work? How does the robot see the world? Learn it all here while you program a real robot! Thymio is a versatile and fun robot with 20 sensors, 2 motors, and 39 LEDs. It’s the perfect platform for an endless amount of projects and creativity. First, get started with the easy to learn visual programming language as you learn to program behaviors. Then we’ll advance to learn what ‘if then’ statements are and how to read and modify real code! We’ll be doing a variety of projects from programming a robot pet with personality, to having Thymio follow a path, solving a maze, to creating a musical instrument.
Invent Your Own Working Product (1-4pm)
Thymio is not just an ordinary robot, it’s the platform to use your imagination to create and invent whatever you can imagine! Program the robot to behave as you wish and then build off of Thymio with LEGO, and crafts to turn it into your invention. Then we’ll be working on logo design, your product description, and making a video advertisement for your robot. By the end of camp you’ll be revving to try and sell your newly branded invention.
Who: 9-14 yrs
Where: Woodland School, 360 La Cuesta Drive, Portola Valley, CA
Dates: Weeklong M-F
· June 10-14
· June 17-21
When: Full day: 9:00am –4:00pm, Half-day 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 1p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Tuition: Half-day $225/wk, .All-day (9am-4:00pm) $450/wk.
Discounts: 10% Early Bird until April 31st- 10% off sibling’s tuition
Instructor Introduction:
Sharon Marzouk is a skilled and knowledgable robotics and technology educator with 5 years experience and holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University. She has led programs with Wizbots (a creative robotics afterschool program), volunteered with the K-12 program at Stanford’s, worked with Willow Garage (a renowned research robotics company), and created and hosted the PR2 robot exhibit at San Jose’s Tech Museum. She currently works as the Instructional Technology Coordinator at Woodland School in Portola Valley, CA and is the founder of Her teaching style is a blend of incorporating hands on inquiry, technology, design thinking, and the creative problem solving process.