DJ Sound Bot
DJ Sound Bot is a perfect person to bust your Teacher!!!!!!!!
This is the Robot that is meant for people and it can help you stay in shape and motivate to exercise! This Bot is not only a exercise robot but it is also your new awesome exercise buddy. It can help you exercise today and help you see that working out and staying fit is …
The narwal cat 500 likes to swim with the dolphins in the atlantic ocean. It also does NOT like to get slapped on top of its head. If it DOES get slapped then it turns bright red on the bottom of its body and neon green on the top.
The singing tiger 2000 can change colors, makes music. And other things. Watch the video to find out more!
Our Narg is based off of a Narwhal and a dog. It can change colors between red and blue and surf the waves.
Chameleonbot likes chaseing objects and hiding in wait for insects he’s a chameleon robot what do you expect. He hates it when people hit him and destroy the rainforest so please stop doing that =).
The Mega Maid is for hotels and households. Mega Maid is cheaper than hiring a human maid and cleans places where average maids miss. To clean a room, you control the robot with a remote To use Mega Maid, grab a remote control and press a few buttons to get it started.