This Product is meant for Astronauts that would like to plant trees on the moon.
Care bot will take care of your dog or pet when you are gone or at work. By Kellyn and Vivian at Woodland School
This is for your friend if they can’t paint. Using Paintbot 5000 your friend can paint.
Smile Maker makes parents and babies sleep quietly and long. There are 2 lullabies that the baby kicks to let the baby fall asleep while the lullaby is playing.
Hammy likes to dance. If he presses thymio, thymio will move, and when there is something in front of thymio, he goes backwards.There is 2 ways to stop it , if there is something behind it thymio he w stops, and if there is something in front of thymio, he also stops.
TanK MasTer is not scared about anything. He is a soldier he will never run away, when he’s friends say to run he doesn’t. he will battle on till the end! TanK MasTer is the best soldier ever in the world no one could stop him.
She likes to serve people food(mostly coffee). Whenever someone asks for something on her table, she is very pleased to see that someone asked.she also has many friends. By Ashna
It is robodog designed to scare away relatives and any other people you don’t want around. Made for kids .