Narwal / Wolf – Bastian and Nikhil
This creature can be vicious when it has to & it can be a huge chance for zoos to make $$! I mean a important scientific discovery, yeah that’s it… By- Bastian and Nikhil, 4th grade
This creature can be vicious when it has to & it can be a huge chance for zoos to make $$! I mean a important scientific discovery, yeah that’s it… By- Bastian and Nikhil, 4th grade
The singing tiger 2000 can change colors, makes music. And other things. Watch the video to find out more!
Our Narg is based off of a Narwhal and a dog. It can change colors between red and blue and surf the waves.
This is Baymax Jr. BY Katie and Kellyn.
This story was created collaboratively with Woodland’s Kindergarten class. A Lion, its baby, and the monkey Story Created by: Kindergarten 1 Class Characters: Monkey, Lion, Baby Lion Once upon a time, there were two lions. One was the momma, and one was a baby. Everywhere the momma went the little baby followed. One day a …
Know it all already? Then just: Open Thymio Web Bridge on your computer Pick one: Beginner Blocks, Intermediate Blocks, Advanced Blocks Or open up a project: Just getting Started? Start here! 1) Watch: An example Scratch Thymio project: 2) Go to Website and Install Aseba 1.6 Go to this website: —Follow …
A robot that can balance on a yoga ball!
he cuts wood like a crazy man/ fast.
It helps people
it is about a robot helping you when you dont have a thermometer