
Narwal Cat 500!

The narwal cat 500 likes to swim with the dolphins in the atlantic ocean. It also does NOT like to get slapped on top of its head. If it DOES get slapped then it turns bright red on the bottom of its body and neon green on the top.


The Batasus Is very fast on land and air It has sharp fangs only to eat air and meat. The batasus goes in kids dream and covers them in blankets.

Scratch with Thymio

Know it all already?  Then just: Open  Thymio Web Bridge on your computer Pick one: Beginner Blocks, Intermediate Blocks, Advanced Blocks Or open up a project:   Just getting Started? Start here! 1) Watch: An example Scratch Thymio project: 2) Go to Website and Install Aseba 1.6 Go to this website: —Follow …

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