Katie the Coffee Table
She likes to serve people food(mostly coffee). Whenever someone asks for something on her table, she is very pleased to see that someone asked.she also has many friends. By Ashna
She likes to serve people food(mostly coffee). Whenever someone asks for something on her table, she is very pleased to see that someone asked.she also has many friends. By Ashna
Ellie the Elephant is very friendly and loves to play with her friends. When she hears a loud noise she turns blue. Her favorite color is blue and she loves chocolate.
He is a savior.
This project will help Gradfathers climb trees.
Flash the tiger can follow lines and be your friend!
Ripper the cat has ears and a fierce mouth to be a predator. He is programmed to follow lines.
It is robodog designed to scare away relatives and any other people you don’t want around. Made for kids .
It is for kids ages 5-17, and LOVE robot battles. It has to be used right or it could get messy. It is packed w/armor and has big wheels for more distance.
Thymio is transformed into a baby grand piano! Piano has custom sounds sung by Courtney, do, ri, me, fa, so , la, ti, do! This project was inspired by the Musical Thymio project, with Courtney’s own unique twist included. Download Courtney’sĀ original sound files here. Code: onevent prox if acc[1]>0 then if prox.horizontal[0]>4000 then call sound.play(101) …
Presentation: Video: Special News Report By: Zackary and Justin