The Small Pet Supporter
This is an electric wheel chair for disabled animals that are small/tired.
This is an electric wheel chair for disabled animals that are small/tired.
The Trash Bot 2000 is a Thymio robot that is controlled by a remote to move around and let you put your trash in the pouch
This Cleaning Thymio is an amazing robot that will get you cleaning supplies when ever you are in the worst situations
This is a goldfish robot created by Lauren and Helena.
Perry the Platypus is a platypus made from a thymio robot.
This is Nora the elephant. We made her out of a thymio robot.
This is Bob the turtle. We made him from a thymio robot.
This our Python project. We used a thymio robot, felt, markers and paper.
This is our wolf thymio by Caroline, Jillian, and Katie.
This is an owl by Ella and Lauren.