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TechyKids for Schools

About TechyKids

The TechyKids System has been developed by Sharon Marzouk over the past few years, learning from her 7+ years teaching technology to kids.  It was developed actively in the classroom.  It flips the classroom to be project based, changing the teacher’s role from delivering content to being able to work more closely with kids on helping with their unique projects and managing the classroom environment more effectively.

Check out the overview of TechyKids’ features for Schools!

Quick Reference


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Looking for something in particular?  Use the search box located on every page by the menu.


Looking for a quick Answer?  Check the FAQ.

Looking for a Class Activities?
Go to the Activities Page.

Want to see original TechyKids inspired Projects? Run a search on the Project Page

Need help doing something?  We have Courses & Tutorials!

EZ Start Guide

  1. Add yourself to the Facebook Techy Educators group
  2. Like the TechyKids page
  3. If you are interested in starting TechyKids at your school and haven’t gotten in touch with us yet, send an email to with the subject line, “I’m a teacher and interested!” and we’ll set up a video chat to answer all your questions so you can get started!
  4. Login to see your account profile


In order to understand how to use the TechyKids system, we highly recommend you complete the following courses:

This course is the TechyKids introductory class for all and is recommended for all students in classrooms and teachers to take.  It will install the needed classroom culture, emphasizing respect for one another, collaboration, creativity, and embracing failure and innovation.

This course will teach you how to create student accounts and enroll students into your TechyKids on-line classroom and use the teacher dashboard.

Primary Grades


For Kindergarten, 1st Grade & Elementary Tabletop Activities

Primary Thymio Activities (K-1st)

2nd through 8th Grade

Create your own interactive animal robot project while learning all about robotics, and the Thymio robot.  Learn about sensors and robotics, visual programming, building off of the Thymio robot with LEGO, and even create your own movie starring your new robot animal!  No robot?  Check out a “lite” version of this class with the simulator.


Create your own invention while learning about coding the Thymio robot.  Learn about invention and even create your own movie showing off your new innovation!  It builds upon the knowledge of the beginner course.  You’ll love the creativity and technical skills needed to create an awesome Thymio robotic invention!


The Thymio Robot can be programmed with the popular block based programming language Scratch! This course will teach you how to get started programming Thymio with Scratch and some Scratch basics.

Tinkercad 3D Modeling

Use Tinkercad to create 3D Models on the computer!  If you have a 3D printer you can design your creations with Tinkercad.

Learn about user interaction design, Scratch programming, and all about the Makey Makey.   Create an interactive game or experience by programming in Scratch and building a physical-electrical device with the Makey Makey.

Create your own IoT Smart Home project with the CloudProfessor and Arduino!  Learn how to hook up the Arduino with motors and sensors and connect to the Internet of Things with Acer’s CloudProfessor. 

Suggested Additional Materials

Suggested additional items for Thymio:

1. Lego Technic

2. As shown below on Amazon Links, USB Programming cables, USB Chargers for 6 robots, Markers for Thymio drawing, Gaffer Tape for Line Following, Poster board for robots to draw on and to create a good surface for line following:

Thymio Class Extras

Suggested additional items for Makey Makey:

Makey Makey Class Extras