Thymio Tiger
This is a cool robot called Thymio Robot (For those who haven’t heard about it) that acts like a real tiger! 😀
This is a cool robot called Thymio Robot (For those who haven’t heard about it) that acts like a real tiger! 😀
The Butler Bot is a robot that gets you drinks or food. If you are feeling tired, and you want some food, the Butler Bot will get it for you By: Ashna and Sabeena
Moss goes forward when you press the forward sensor, and can also turn left and right and go backwards. Â When you press the center button the dragon is calm and green. Â It gets angry when the forward, middle and back buttons are pressed and turns red. By Kaori and Jackson
Chewbacca is from the movie star wars, a popular movie series.We programmed him to follow thick black lines for our presentataion. He turns red when you touch him because Chewbacca thinks you are hitting him with a lightsaber.
This project is supposed to teach children to tell time. We made this by using Makey Makey circuitry and Scratch. Scratch Project
This project is for students at school that use the quiet safe place tool. It is also for students who maybe is still looking for a quiet safe place. This will calm you down and teach you how to use your imagination in so many different ways. Scratch Project
This product is a fun & interactive way for small kids to learn their colors. It allows users to use an interactive pallet that will teach them how to make colors. The project uses Scratch and the Makey Makey. Rainbow Run