Author name: Sharon

Happy Kids, Happy Us!

The TechyKids team hosted a 2 hour workshop at the Lewis and Joan Platt East Palo Alto Family YMCA for Play60.  We had about 12 participants and they learned about robotics, programming, and how to build off of the Thymio robot.  It was a blast!      

How to Handwrite

This project is an interactive way to teach handwriting.  Users see a demonstration how to write a letter and then using a pen tool creates the letter themselves. See below for project details.

Rock of the Ages

This is an interactive user experience to teach someone how to play a guitar in a fun way!  We used a Makey Makey and Scratch. Scroll down to see the presentation and video of our project.

Ping Pong Game

This is a two player ping pong game, with a tin foil wrapped ping pong ball.  Touching either side of the paddle to the ball will make the paddles on the screen move either up or down.  To play the game without a Makey Make, use the up-down and left-right arrows.